Welcome to the Rudloe and environs website.


Here you will find news, articles and photos of an area that straddles the Cotswold Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty in north-west Wiltshire.


Contributions in the form of articles or photos are welcome. Even those with completely contrary views to mine!


Thanks to the website builder 1&1 and Rob Brown for the original idea.


Rudloescene now, in January 2014, has a sister, academic rather than anarchic, website about Box history here: http://www.boxpeopleandplaces.co.uk/

It contains thoroughly professional, well-researched articles about Box and its people.


Contact rudloescene through the 'Contact' page.


Muriel (there's Bristle for you) at the junction of City Road and Stokes Croft. Readers (if there are any) may be wondering why PR Stokes Croft - it's the Peoples Republic of course - read all about the PR Stokes Croft at its marvellous website here: www.prsc.org.uk

For an old gits' outing from north-west Wiltshire, what better destination could be had than Stokes Croft. Two old gits sallied forth on Thursday, 16th March 2017 to immerse themselves in this weird and wonderful part of Bristle. We never did have a referendum on the 'Multiculturalism Project' (ref the BBC) but Stokes Croft is multiculturalism in action (we did, of course, have a referendum on Europe where we could safely (relatively) reject Johnny Foreigner in the knowledge that he/she wasn't black or a person 'of colour').

PRSC HQ at the corner of Jamaica Street and Hillgrove Street. The HQ is also the home of Stokes Croft China (workshop and shop) - see https://www.prscshop.co.uk/
Tongues I would imagine but they would recoil from the notion of calling it a 'Frenchie'
Muriel adjacent to the al fresco dining space at Hamilton House which hosts painters, designers (textiles, fashion etc), illustrators, environmental groups, charities, music agencies, festival organisers, radio stations, architects and others
Lunch (lunch in a multi-cultural, working class canteen - surely it should be dinner?) menu at Hamilton House Canteen. The dahl (or is it dhal?) was marvellous and note that all the mains are served with soup and bread (shades of the USA!).
Both the soup and the dahl were very tasty, as was the waitress (slipped into non-PC mode here). The five local real ales on offer were unfamiliar but our choice (Australian IPA I believe) was excellent. Richard is chatting with another local, Ivor.

This is a most bizarre coincidence ... The following images of a 1950s wedding at City Road Baptist Church, Stokes Croft were sent to me, completely by chance, on the same day as our visit to Stokes Croft on Thursday 16th March 2017. The photos were found in a derelict bedsit in Newport, Gwent in 2001. The former occupant, who took the pictures, was a Hungarian refugee called Lajos Nagy who had previously lived at Thorny Pits Hungarian Hostel in Corsham. The person who discovered the images back in 2001 was John Briggs who was only able to discover the location of the Hungarian Hostel quite recently (2017) through references to Thorneypits on this website. Why a Hungarian refugee should have taken these pictures of a Stokes Croft wedding is a mystery, although there were a number of pictures of Bristol Centre, the docks and Clifton Down on the film rolls found.

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© Paul Turner