Welcome to the Rudloe and environs website.


Here you will find news, articles and photos of an area that straddles the Cotswold Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty in north-west Wiltshire.


Contributions in the form of articles or photos are welcome. Even those with completely contrary views to mine!


Thanks to the website builder 1&1 and Rob Brown for the original idea.


Rudloescene now, in January 2014, has a sister, academic rather than anarchic, website about Box history here: http://www.boxpeopleandplaces.co.uk/

It contains thoroughly professional, well-researched articles about Box and its people.


Contact rudloescene through the 'Contact' page.


The Gasman Cometh - March 2021. Wales & West Utilities are replacing old steel pipes with plastic in the Leafy Lane estates (except Pine Close and Ashwood Road which do not have a gas supply). In retirement I am flying by the seat of my pants by never using designated road crossings (thus relieving local residents of the nagging beep, beep, beeping) AND using closed 'footways' (when did footpath and pathway become footway?). Flanders and Swann's 'The Gas Man Cometh' may be found here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=v1dvAxA9ib0

The gasman cometh but the Rudloe man goeth on a perambulation around Rudloe ...
Concerning that substantial wildlife habitat (see below) is being removed in LLPF's small meadow. The new owners should be reminded that the woodland is covered by a blanket TPO; planning permission is required for proposed tree work

The ‘Bird Nesting Season’ is officially from February until August (Natural England) and it is recommended that vegetation works (tree or hedge cutting) or site clearance should be done outside of the nesting season. However, in reality the nesting period may start before this and extend beyond it, in some cases. The busiest time for nesting birds is from 1st March until 31st July and of course varies according to species etc.

Moving on to the brow of Box Hill, the following gallery shows some of the plants coming into leaf/flower.

Patches of three-cornered garlic in Rudloe Firs woodland. It is quite prolific here at the brow of Box Hill - I don't recall seeing it elsewhere.
Mature beeches in Rudloe Firs woodland
Old bracket fungus in Rudloe Firs woodland
Mainly young maple with ivy in Rudloe Firs woodland
A substantial area of the field beyond Rudloe Firs is now 'set aside' for the upcoming slope shaft
Brassicas lie beyond the 'set aside' area. The view is north-east towards Stafford (the vendor of the 'set aside') and Hartham Estate lands.
The view east over the new Copenacre estate to the Marlborough Downs
The view south-east over the Redcliffe, Park Place estate to the western escarpment of the Marlborough Downs, Pewsey Vale and Salisbury Plain
Looking across the new 'set aside' from the western end of Rudloe Firs close to the old access road to RAF Rudloe No. 1 Site
Now looking the other way towards Foxfire Lodge and the illegally-installed iron gates. Beeches predominate.
Now leaving Rudloe Firs and crossing to Leafy Lane, we find these daffodils outside the Rudloe Arms
Close-up of the daffs
Forsythia in a Highlands Close garden overlooks the Leafy Lane chicane
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© Paul Turner